Friday, June 05, 2009

Friday Fill-ins #127

Janet’s Friday Fill-ins #127


1. _The Mountain Laura is in full bloom around my_ home.

2. My favorite thing for dinner lately has been _grilled chicken or pork chops_.

3. _All that my next door neighbor’s dog does all day is_ bark! bark! bark!

4. A nice long walk _settles my mind _.

5. _What I really need now is_ some good news.

6. When all is said and done, _it is what you do is what is important_.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _going to the ‘ol coffee shop to hear some folk singers_, tomorrow my plans include _going to the Hartford Pride festival_ and Sunday, I want to _go for a walk_!


  1. beautiful flower!
    Have fun this eve :o)

  2. That's a great photo!

    Enjoy the coffee shop--and the weekend!
