Sunday, April 19, 2009

Saturday Six - Episode 262

Patrick's Place Saturday Six - Episode 262

1. What is the last drink you drank at home?
Drink, as in drinking a liquid? It was a glass of water. Drink as in a mixed alcoholic beverage, then it was so long ago I don’t remember.

2. You’re ordering a latte: do you prefer caffeine or decaf? Flavored or regular? Lowfat or regular?
Decaf, flavored, regular. (I didn’t even know that they made decaf latte, maybe I will order one the next time I go to a coffee shop.)

3. What is the last non-alcoholic drink you ordered at a restaurant?
That is an easy question to answer because that is all I ever order, cranberry juice and soda with a line.

4. What’s the most exotic mixed drink you remember trying? Did you enjoy it?
I was never big into exotic drinks, my choice was always rum and coke. When I could not have caffeine any more because of health reasons, I have Cape Coder’s (vodka and cranberry juice)

5. Take the quiz:
What Flavor Margarita Are You?

You Are an Orange Margarita

At first glance, you are very unique - but deep down you are still quite a traditionalist.
A margarita may be "too fancy" for you, but you'll never turn a free one down.

6. How likely would you be to order the drink listed as the answer to the previous question?
Not likely, maybe if I went to a Mexican restaurant I might order a Margarita.

1 comment:

  1. Your #3 nonalcholic drink sounds good. i'll have to try that.
