What's the best summer job you ever had?
Taking inventory of state owned equipment in high schools across the state. We went all around Connecticut stopping at high schools and counting the number of typewriters (you remember those thing that you put paper in and press keys and magically words appeared on paper without a computer) or woodworking laths. We were given a stack of schools to be done that week and told not to return until Friday (Ah, state jobs, your taxpayers’ dollars at work).
Tell me about the worst date you ever went on.
I never made it on the date, the girl that I was suppose to go out with called to say that she was sick. Latter, that night I saw her at the local (translated “the only one in the state”) McDonald’s with a football player. She ducked down in the car when she saw me and they drove though without stopping. Oh, well.
Do you think the age for a driver's license should be raised (currently 16 here in the U.S.)?
Good question! I think that Connecticut is doing it the right way, by having a graduated license. I believe that they cannot have any passengers in the car except for adults for the first six months and cannot drive after dark. I think also there is something about not being able to drive after 1:00AM the first year or two. That is in addition to a zero alcohol policy.
awww... :(
ReplyDeleteThe date question made me sad :(
Her loss!
I agree with graduated licensing as well.
ReplyDeleteA Typewriter, I have fond memories of those!
Us girls are so silly. It's better to say no to the date from the start than to lie about it.
ReplyDeleteHappy MM!
I played too!
I can hear a typewriter clicky clacking now!
ReplyDeleteI think the graduated license is a great idea.
Good answers! Re: #2, that was the 'date from hell' that never was... :-)