Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hmmm… Good Question About What Box To Check

On Bilerico there is a blog entry about jury duty, which box for gender to check off on the form. For most people that is an easy question, but when you are transsexual it becomes a legal nightmare, on the bottom of the form you have to swear that the information is correct.

On my driver’s license, I am female; on my birth certificate, I’m male. I identify and express myself as female

Which box would you check-off? Would it be the same for both the state and federal jury duty forms or would you check them off differently?

Lastly, why do they even ask for your gender? Would being male or female make a difference on a jury since they cannot discriminate based on gender.

Your comments are welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Good point, Di! Whay should they even ask for gender??? After all, we are but numbers in the huge US database, or in any database for that matter.

    I wonder why they want gender? Maybe for different benifits? But shouldn't those bennies be the same anywayz?

    An inquiring T head wants to know!
    Luvs, Deja
