1. Do you have children in school?
No, I do not have any children.
2. Did you go to public school? If you have children did/do they?
Yes, 1 – 6, 8 – 12, seventh grade I went to a Catholic Junior High and I could not stand it.
3. Are you currently in school or taking classes?
Yes, I am back in college after 34 years.
4. What level of education have you completed?
5. Do you, or did you have loans out for your (or your children's) education?
No, I do not have any outstanding loans
6. What are your thoughts on the cost of tuition for colleges and universities?
They are horrible, $500 a credit and I am taking 10 credits. The tuition is suppose to go up 8% next yesr.
7. Did school prepare you education wise for working in the real world?
No, it prepared me to party for fours years and kept me out of Vietnam.
8. Did school prepare you emotionally for what lay ahead?
No. Work? What is that?
9. If you were to run a high school, what changes would you make?
It would welcome diversity and be strongly anti-bullying.
I just got back from a conference at the University of Connecticut Storrs campus where they just had a conference on LGBT youth. The first day, Thursday, was for professionals such as guidance counselors, social workers, DCF, GSA’s, etc. Friday and Saturday are open to the public and on Friday, they must have had close to 2,000 students, GSA advisor, guidance counselors and teachers there.
The anti-bullying is SO important! Good for you...