Sunday, March 01, 2009

Manic Monday

Lisa’s Manic Monday #157

It's going to be super-easy this week!

If I was a car, I'd be:
A flashy red MGB. When I was in high school my brother let me drive his MGB while he was away at college.

If I was a drink, I'd be:

A Shirley Temple, I very rarely have an alcoholic drink

If I was emotion, I'd be:


  1. you sound like me. I am not much for drinks either, and always get Shirley Temple :) happens when your the DD lol

  2. I think MGBs are just so fun and cute!

    I don't think you have to be an alcoholic drink. ;) I haven't had a Shirley Temple in decades, but that makes sense, doesn't it?

  3. I don't drink alcohol, either, it didn't even enter my mind when I answered.

    MGBs are very sassy!

  4. I was in an MGB when I was 15 ... very cool! Alas, that wasn't yesterday!

    I played too :)

  5. Stopping by from Manic Monday!
