They had over two hundred attendees for the four day conference, most of them came from New York states but others came from around the country. Including a number of clergy who were looking for a way to create a safe space for their LGBT community.
During the two hour door-to-door canvas over 1500 homes were visited and slightly fewer than 50% voters said that are in favor of marriage equality of those 166 signed a post card to that said that, wow!
When we did the canvassing of Nassau County on Long Island N.Y. we asked the voters if the were in favor of the New York Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA), 74% said that they were in favor of the bill. That percent corresponded with other polls that were taken in other parts of the country, one of them was in New Jersey which was 71%.
It was one of the largest LGBT canvases that was ever done with over 150 people taking part. (I didn’t go door-to-door, but I drove around two canvasser. I did not feel comfortable going up to strangers’ doors.)
Safe spaces would be wonderful!