Saturday, May 22, 2021

Saturday 9: The Way You Look Tonight

Sam’s Saturday 9: The Way You Look Tonight (1936)

On Saturdays I take a break from the heavy stuff and have some fun…

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) They lyrics tell us that no matter how low the singer feels, it will raise his spirits to recall the way his lover looks tonight. Share a special moment in your life that brings a smile to your lips, no matter what.
Walking across the stage to get my MSW

2) This song was introduced by Fred Astaire in the 1936 movie, Swing Time. It won the Oscar for Best Song. What's your favorite movie song?
It is so bad… Wand'rin' Star

Update 10:30AM: I just thought of another song that I like from a musical...
"You've Got To Be Carefully Taught"

3) Though today Fred is revered as a Hollywood legend, producers had to be convinced to give him a shot. The initial notes on his screen test were: "Can't act. Slightly bald. Also dances." Tell us about a time when someone underestimated you.
I think that it happens all the time, because I am so quite but I am usually listening to the discussion…
One time when I was still working I got called to company headquarters in Pennsylvania. As usual I couldn’t sleep since I was up 3 AM and had a 9AM meeting. It was a thoroughly boring meeting, I was sitting three with my eye close hoping that the headache would go away, when someone said something that I realized was the problem… so I solved their manufacturing problem for them.

4) Fred's legion of fans includes Jackie Chan. The martial arts star says Astaire's movies influenced the way he choreographed the Kung Fu fight sequences in his films. Mr. Chan is one of the most popular film stars in the world. Have you seen any of his movies?
I think that I did, but I don’t remember which movie.

5) Fred was always fascinated by new things. In the 1970s, when he was in his late 70s, he took up skateboarding and became so good at it he was awarded life membership in the National Skateboard Society. Have you been skateboarding? If not, is it something you're tempted to try?
Nope never have and never will I value my life too much.

6) Fred's friends were amused by his passion for daytime soap operas. In the days before video recording, he would call home from the club house at the golf course and ask his maid what had happened that day on his favorite "story," As the World Turns. Is there a show you try not to miss?
Not any more… I hardly watch any TV at all, when I do it is mostly PBS shows.

7) In 1936, the year this song was popular, the US patent office issued a patent for the Zippo lighter. Beginning in WWII and for decades after, Zippo lighters were issued to our soldiers. During the Vietnam War, troops had their lighters engraved with personal mottos. What's something you have had engraved or personalized? What did it say?
I don’t think that I ever had that done.

8) Also in 1936, a killer tornado struck Tupelo, MS. Have you ever been in a tornado? How about a hurricane or an earthquake?
Tornado, close call once but no cigar,
Earthquake I also wanted to be in one… a small one. Just enough to feel the earth move under my feet.
Hurricanes… dozens and some were pretty bad. I remember the 1955 hurricane that did so much damage to Connecticut. New England gets a different type of hurricane, down south it is the wind damage, New England gets water damage. I remember Rush Limbaugh criticizing us calling us wimps because a topical storm hit us but all that rain got funneled down in the valleys and caused massive damage.

9) Random question -- We're creating an action figure of YOU. What two accessories should we be sure to include in the box?
A hammock and a pitcher of Strawberry Daiquiris.

Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven’t any rules here. Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend!


  1. A hammock and a pitcher of daiquiris sounds very, very nice.

  2. A skateboard, ha, ha. Skateboards are on my list of NO NO's along with, scoters, bicycles, roller skates, rollerblades, motor bikes and car driving. Nope I will keep my two feet on the ground except when taking the bus to the store. I haven't yet tried flapping my arms and trying to fly. Now that would be a sight to behold.

    1. I have, I used to fly hang gliders.

    2. Good Lord Girl, you scare me. Glad you didn't crash. Not me I will keep my feet firmly planted on the ground. Can't wait to see you again to say hello.

    3. I did crash... that is why I am not hang gliding now, I decided it wasn't a fun thing to do. (That is why I wear my seat belt, in 1970 I tried going through a windshield and I realized that was a fast way to ruin your day.)

  3. Wow--I love your action figure accessories!

  4. What a fun action figure you have! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  5. "Hell is in Hello".. lol. Bless the person that wrote this! So true. I'm a nomad myself. Only that wasn't to be my destiny.

  6. A small earthquake when you are awake is not to bad. The bigger ones or closer ones are scary. Never get use to one. Total lack of control without any warning. Your action accessories sound entertaining!

    1. Speaking of earthquakes when we lived in the west end of Hartford we would get what we thought were small earthquakes quite a lot. We noticed right before one would happen our parakeet Barney would jump up from his perch and flutter. Then the curio cabinet would start to rattle and the small Knick knacks would dance around. In a few seconds it would be over. It always scared me as when it started I thought will this really be one and I am going to land in rubble down in the basement. As you say Susan it is a feeling of a total lack of control. Sometimes I thought it was me dying.

  7. Those education memories are hard to beat, aren't they? They are some of my finest moments. I'm glad I'm not the only one who'd like to feel an earthquake.
