Saturday, December 26, 2020

Purple Snowflakes

Saturday 9: Purple Snowflakes (2018)

On Saturdays I take a break from the heavy stuff and have some fun…

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) The lyrics ask where the snowflakes go. Sam can answer that: she shovels them! Do you shovel or use a snow blower? Or do you live in a warmer climate with no snow?
I have someone plow the driveway.
Who wants to go someplace that is hot and humid during the summer, at least in winter you can add more layers but a muggy summer there is only so much you can take off.

2) This week's artist, John Legend, recalls his Christmases growing up, singing carols with his family around the piano. Do you have a piano, or any other musical instruments, in your home?
Nope, I am not musically inclined.

3) This song is from John Legend's first Christmas album, A Legendary Christmas. It was a massive hit. Did you add any new music to your holiday collection this year?
Nope, I am a traditionalist.

4) John and his wife Chrissy Teigen go caroling with friends. What's the last song that you sang?
Um… I can’t carry a tune. In sixth grade our class sang Christmas carols and I was told to just mouth the words.

5) Chrissy's hobby is cooking. While she likes experimenting with new recipes, her young children prefer their familiar favorites, like mashed potatoes. She tosses a bay leaf into the water as the potatoes boil to add enhance the flavor. Do you have a dish that's considered your specialty?
Corn Soufflé

6) John prefers to unwind with a good book and loves comparing reading recommendations with friends. Did you discover any books in 2020 that you'd like to recommend to our Sat 9ers?
I think I set a record for the most book I listened to. Every month I maxed out my library audiable books.
As most of you know I like Si-Fi and fantasy books. I just finished Elizabeth Moon “Oath of Fealty” one of the Paksenarrion’s series.

7) This song was written by Motown powerhouse Marvin Gaye. Who is your favorite Motown artist?
Oh don’t get me started on Marvin Gaye. My roommate in college played Marvin Gaye nonstop, I liked (past tense) some of his songs but I was so turned off by his playing his songs continuously, he used to leave up the overarm causing that side of the record to play over, and over, and over...

8) In 1972, Marvin wrote another Christmas song, "I Want to Come Home for Christmas." He dedicated it to the troops then serving in Vietnam. Do you know anyone who is protecting us this holiday season? Tell us about him or her. Whether they are in the armed forces, the police or fire department, or the ER, we want to say thank you!
No, but my technician was in the Air National Guard and used to takeoff to places unknown in the middle-east. One weekend drill he flew to Germany and back dropping off a post card at Ramstein Air Base for the department.

9) Random question: You go into the kitchen to make your perfect sandwich. What fixings do you need?
Salami, ham, hot Capocollo, prosciutto, provolone, roasted peppers, and balsamic vinegar on a hard roll. And possible sliced tomato, lettuce, and onions.

Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven’t any rules here. Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Your sandwich sounds amazing. Getting so many good food ideas today!

  2. They told you to mouth the words? I am all about hearing everyone's voice. That Marvin Gaye overplaying would drive me crazy after a while. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  3. #4 -- You and me, both, Sister! When I'm alone, I sing out. But when anyone's around, I just move my lips, too.

  4. #7 made me laugh because when my friends and I wanted to empty out the commuter lounge in college, we would load the juke box to play the same song over and over until everybody left. Then we'd unplug it and play the music we liked. (Usually it was something along the lines of "Sexual Healing")

  5. That is some sandwich. I can't believe a teacher told you to only mouth the words! Goodness.

  6. That is what I always say about hot and cold weather...though I have to say I'd prefer to find some place that is balanced and not the extreme of either. Wow...that's a lot of sandwich! Does it count as a Dagwood?
