Sunday, October 13, 2019

My Thoughts

As I write this at 3:00 AM Friday morning I just got finished reading the outcry from Ellen DeGeneres being spotted with former President George W. Bush at a NFL game.

My thoughts are, are we just associate with like minded people? If so we will not bring about change.

There is an old saying that goes something like this… it is hard to hate someone you know.

Maybe President Bush walked away from that encounter thinking maybe I was wrong.

We can vilify Ms. DeGeneres or we can look at it as an opportunity to bring about change.

The other topic that I want to write about is the protests at the LGBTQ+ town hall on CNN this past week.

The Democrats had the town hall meeting to discuss LGBTQ+ issues and there were protests because enough haven't been done and they are right enough hasn't been done to end the violence.

Yes, the Democrats are not perfect but the alternative?

However, the Republicans want to crucify us.

The Democrats gave us healthcare… the Republicans took it away.

The Democrats gave us employment protects… the Republicans took it away.

The Democrats gave us protections in schools… the Republicans took it away.

The Democrats gave us protections for which bathrooms we can use… the Republicans took it away.

The Democrats let us be in the military… the Republicans took it away.

The Democrats passed the Equal Rights Amendment... the Republicans blocked it.

The Democrats took the stage to discuss our human rights… why are we protesting it?


And if you are not registered… register and vote!

That is the only to bring about change.

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