Friday, March 29, 2019

Today’s Going To Be A very Busy Day Again

Change of plans...
One of the side effects of getting old is your sleep patterns are all off. I've been up since 3 AM and I fell back to sleep around 5:00 - 5:30 and slept about 2 more hours. So I'm bailing out of going in person. I have already submitted my testimony yesterday.

By the time you read this I will be at the Legislative Office Building (LOB) for about an hour to sign-up to testify on bill… S.B. 58 An Act Concerning Gay and Transgender Panic Defense.
Statement of Purpose:
To prohibit the use of gay and transgender panic as a criminal defense.
Connecticut would not be leading the way so far California, Illinois and Rhode Island have the law banning trans/gay panic defense in court.

So what is trans/panic defense, basically it is… I Lost It! I just flipped out when I found out “she was a man” so I killed her. It is using transphobia or homophobia as a defense.

If you live in Connecticut I ask you to please call or write your legislators in support of the bill.

To find your Connecticut legislator chick here.

For help in writing your testimony click here.

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