Monday, March 11, 2019

A Trans Athlete Won…

…So it must be an unfair advantage! And they ignore all the trans athletes who lost.
Sky Views: Sport's transgender debate has been hijacked by hate
Wherever you stand in the debate over transgender participation in women's sport, it is repellent to witness what could be mutually beneficial discourse hijacked by hateful invective.
Sky News
By Martha Kelner, sports correspondent
March 11, 2019

Over the past few weeks the debate has been illuminated by several high-profile former athletes raising their heads above the parapet.

Tennis champion Martina Navratilova, having spent two months researching the issue, declared in a newspaper column her belief that it is unfair for natal men - those born that sex - to compete in women's sport.

It was an eminently reasonable and well-argued piece, yet it led to her being cast aside by the same LGBT groups she has spent the last three decades being such a powerful advocate for.
Privately, many currently competing athletes agree. They acknowledge that it is not an overwhelming threat immediately given the small number of transgender women competing at elite level.
Canadian trans woman Rachel McKinnon, who is a champion Masters track cyclist and academic, posted a picture of Davies on Twitter and wrote: "I guarantee that if we posted this photo and asked, "Do you think it's fair for this trans women to compete in women's sport?" a LOT of people would be screaming 'NO' and calling her a man."
I think fueling the backlash against trans athletes are;

  • Lack of knowledge about trans people
  • Lack of knowledge about the effects of hormones on the body
  • The media… they love controversy so the squeaky wheel gets the press coverage

The bigots found a cause they can rally non-bigots around.

I saw some of the articles that the state conservative newspapers that push their bigotry, the articles totally ignore all the losing trans athletes and just concentrate their indignation against those who won… “See it is not a fair competition! A trans person won!”

I have to admit that many of us haven’t taken the high road,
The abusive behaviour of an incredibly small section of the transgender community is damaging for those who have taken the sometimes incredibly difficult road of transitioning. It's important that an aversion to transgender participation in women's sport is not conflated with an aversion to transgender women as a whole and that the issue can be debated calmly and using scientific evidence where available.
I give a lot testimony to legislative committees and I developed common rules and one of them is “DO NOT name the names of the person(s) or the business(es) that discriminated against you. It makes it sound like you have a vendetta and is unprofessional.” Ad hominem attacks don’t work, when you write a hateful comment to Ms. Navratilova it becomes “just another angry trans person.” However, I understand how they feel, sometimes when you get shit dumped on you all the time you want to fight back.

We already have seen some bills banning trans person from taking part in sports but there were defeated, however I see more bills like those and I foresee some of them passing.

I don’t know how many times when I was testifying I wanted so badly to say that the other speakers are full of lies but you have to keep your professional composure because to do otherwise give the victory to the opposition.

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