Monday, February 04, 2019

Women v. Trans Women

A woman walked in to the bathroom followed by an angry woman.
A trans women walked in to the bathroom followed by an angry woman.

A group of women were out in front of a store protesting the discrimination against a woman.
A group of trans women were out in front of a store protesting the discrimination against a trans woman.

A woman was brutally stabbed to death by her boyfriend.
A trans woman was brutally stabbed to death by her boyfriend.

All these sentences are true!

But one sentence in each conveys more information and making it stand out from the other sentence.

So for me I use trans women and women to convey more information, trans is an adjective and doing what an adjective is supposed to do… to modify or describe a noun. I tried to write without writing “trans” but it got very confusing using just “a woman” it sounded like the first sentence in each example. I also use trans woman when I am doing training but I don’t use it in every day conversation, that would be “outing” someone.

When a trans woman is murdered or attacked and the police do the right things using woman, female pronouns, and her true name we never know that she was trans and it was a hate crime.

Using “trans…” is a mixed sword. It is great that we are recognized as our true self but at the same time we lose part of our identity.

What are your thoughts about using "trans woman?"

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