Today we remember those of us who were murdered for who they were; those who were murdered not for money or passion but for those who were murdered because of hate. Because they they lived their lives as who they were.
Every November 20th is the Transgender Day of Remembrance where we memorize the trans-people who were murdered in the last 12 months. I first attended a TDOR in 2002 and about five years later I was organizing the day’s event and this will be the first year that I will not be organizing the memorial. It takes a lot out of you going through the planning each, the list of names seems to never end and it has become too much for many of us.
One year at the TDOR I read the name of one of the victims and in my diary I wrote,
I went up to read one of the names and I had a hard time doing it, my eyes were all tears; it was very emotional. As I sat back down in my seat the woman next to me touch my hand and just nodded slightly, and her gesture brought on more tears. I never knew any of those that were murder, but my heart goes out to them for we had one thing in common that we are all transgendered. It is hard to believe that they were murdered only because they were trying to be themselves; that some people hate us enough to kill us for just trying to live our lives.
Hartford: Transgender Day of Remembrance
Parish House, Church of the Good Shepherd (3rd floor ballroom)
7:00pm Wednesday November 20, 2013 at the Metropolitan Community Church of Hartford, 155 Wyllys Street, Hartford CT
Guest speakers include Senator Beth Bye; Linda Estabrook, Executive Director of the Hartford Gay and Lesbian Health Collective; Josh Pawelek, Parish Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Society: East; Ace Ricker, Student and President of the Unity Club at Housatonic Community College; and Tony Ferraiolo, Youth Advocate and Co-founder of the Jim Collins Foundation with a special guest.
All are welcome to show your respect to the community, you do not have to be transgender to attend.

Ashley Sinclair
Cause of death: beaten and shot in the head.
Location: Orlando, Florida, USA
Date of death: April 11th, 2013
Kelly Young
Cause of death: Gunshot
Location: Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Date of death: April 3rd, 2013
Domonique Newburn (age:31)
Cause of death: multiple stab wounds.
Location: Fontana, California, USA
Date of death: August 20th, 2013
Islan Nettles (age:21)
Cause of death: blunt force trauma
Location: Harlem, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
Date of death: August 17th, 2013
Cemia “CeCe” Dove (age:23)
Cause of death: multiple stab wounds, tied with a rope to a block of concrete and thrown in pond.
Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Date of death: March 27th, 2013
Eyricka Morgan (age:26)
Cause of death: stabbing
Location: New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
Date of death: September 24th, 2013
Evon Young (age:22)
Cause of death: tied up, beaten with fists and other objects, choked with a chain, had a bag taped over his head, shot, set on fire, and discarded into a dumpster.
Location of death: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Date of death: January 1st, 2013
Artegus Konyale Madden (age:37)
Cause of death: Gunshot wound to the neck
Location: Savannah, Texas, USA
Date of death: September 1st, 2013
Unknown woman
Cause of death: Found floating in a gully
Location: Houston, Texas, USA
Date of death: July 07th, 2013
Diamond Williams (age:31)
Cause of death: dismembered, and body parts thrown in a field.
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Date of death: July 14th, 2013
Terry Golston
Cause of death: Gunshot
Location: Shreveport,Louisiana, USA
Date of death: September 6, 2013
Jock Maurice McKinney (aka Valarie)
Cause of death: a single gunshot wound to the lower body.
Location: Shreveport,Louisiana, USA
Date of death: July 12th, 2013
Fatima Woods (age:53)
Cause of death: stabbed twice in the torso
Location: Rochester, New York, USA
Date of death: May 30th, 2013
Melony Smith (age:28)
Cause of death: beaten to death
Location: Baldwin Park, California, USA
Date of death: September 9th, 2013
Unidentified woman
Cause of death: unknown, body dumped in trash can.
Location of death: Detroit, Michigan, USA
Date of death: November 8th, 2013
Amari White (age:22)
Cause of death: multiple gunshot wounds
Location of death: Richmond, Virginia, USA
Date of death: November 9th, 2013
Natália Sotero (age:20)
Cause of death: gunshots
Location of death: Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Date of death: July 17th, 2013
Rafael da Silva Tavares (age:21)
Cause of death: six gunshots
Location of death: Baixada Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Date of death: July 19th, 2013
Valeria (age:30)
Cause of death: Beaten to death with sticks
Location of death: Conceição do Lago-Açu, Maranhão, Brazil
Date of death: August 1st, 2013
Unknown woman
Cause of death: Stoning, skull crushed.
Location of death: Téofilo Otoni, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Date of death: August 11th, 2013
Joales dos Santos (age:22)
Cause of death: gunshot at close range to left breast.
Location of death: Parnaíba, Piauí, Brazil
Date of death: August 18, 2013
Wagner Paula Rodrigues (age:42)
Cause of death: Stoning
Location of death: Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date of death: August 24th, 2013
Unidentified woman
Cause of death: Severe head injuries, body thrown under a truck
Location: Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date of death: August 28, 2013
Unidentified woman
Cause of death: Gunshot wound to the head
Location: Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil
Date of death: June 25th, 2013
Otávio Nascimento Valadares (age: 20)
Cause of death: Gunshot wound to the head
Location: Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil
Date of death: June 12th, 2013
Unidentified child (age: 13)
Cause of death: hanging
Location: Macaíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Date of death: June 8th, 2013
Ronald Feitosa Souza (age:26)
Cause of death: beaten to death, severe head injuries
Location: Colniza, Mato Grosso, Brazil
Date of death: May 23rd, 2013
Fábio da Conceição Machado (age: 26)
Cause of death: stoning.
Location: Mumbuca, Mateiros, Tocantins, Brazil
Date of death: May 15th, 2013
Jorge Luciano Soares De Oliveira (age: 38)
Cause of death: blow to the head.
Location: Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Date of death: May 12th, 2013
unidentified woman
Cause of death: bullet to head and leg
Location: Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date of death: May 11th, 2013
Rosa Fernando Domingues (age:36)
Cause of death: stabbed to death. Knive wounds to left eye, neck, and shoulder.
Location: São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil.
Date of death: May 11th, 2013
Unidentified woman
Cause of death: multiple gunshot wounds
Location: Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date of death: February 24th, 2013
unidentified woman
Cause of death: seven stab wounds
Location: Gravataí, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Date of death: February 24th, 2013
Cause of death: gunshot
Location: Altos, Piauí, Brazil
Date of death: February 9th, 2013
Mônica Lewinski (age:38)
Cause of death: gunshot wound to the head
Location: Curitiba, Paraná , Brazil
Date of death: February 8th, 2013
unknown woman
Cause of death: stoned, stabbed in the neck with a broken bottle.
Location: Jaboatão Guararapes, Pernambuco, Brazil
Date of death: January 24th, 2013
Nicole Galisteu (age:20)
Cause of death: Gunshot
Location: Santa Cândida, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Date of death: January 8th, 2013
Stephanie (age:33)
Cause of death: Beaten and strangled to death.
Location: Embu das Artes, São Paulo, Brazil
Date of death: March 3rd, 2013
Dalvalei José Alves Pereira (age:37)
Cause of death: beheaded and burned with trans partner in their home.
Location: Novo Gama, Goiás, Brazil
Date of death: December 24th, 2012
Cause of death: beheaded and burned with partner in their home
Location: Novo Gama, Goiás, Brazil
Date of death: December 24th, 2012
Fernanda Queiroz
Cause of death: beaten to death, (multiple blows to the head), body burned.
Location: Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil
Date of death: November 21st, 2012
Angel Francisco Martinez Gonzalez
Cause of death: beaten and shot in the head.
Location: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Date of death: April 11th, 2013
Palmira Garcia (age:37)
Cause of death: partially scalped, signs of torture, laceration to face.
Location: Las Marvales, Venezuela
Date of death: Feburary 5th, 2013
Cause of death: strangulation
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Date of death: July 29th, 2013
Naomi Estrada (age:19)
Cause of death: two gunshots to the head and chest
Location: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Date of death: Feburary 1st, 2013
Cause of death: multiple stab wounds, beheaded.
Location: Zimatlán de Alvarez, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Date of death: January 28th, 2013
“Tiffany” Wesley Holder (age 19)
Cause of death: multiple stab wounds.
Location: Georgetown, Guyana
Date of death: January 11th, 2013
Adán Amilcar Iglesias (age 20)
Cause of death: four gunshot wounds to the head
Location: El Carmen, Honduras
Date of death: March 4, 2013
Daniel Mendoza Ricardo Macias (age:23)
Cause of death: multiple stab wounds.
Location: Montemorelos, Nuevo León, Mexico
Date of death: January 9th, 2013
Dwayne Jones (age 16)
Cause of death: beaten, stabbed, shot & run over by a car.
Location: Montego Bay, Jamaica
Date of death: July 22nd, 2013
Renato Espinosa Reyes (age:23)
Cause of death: multiple gunshot wounds
Location: Toluca, Mexico
Date of death: December 5, 2012
Yeison Ramirez Acosta (age:22)
Cause of death: multiple stab wounds to the face, chest, and abdomen
Location: Avenida Lequerica Velez Magangue, Bolivar, Colombia
Date of death: December 2012
MyleneMylene (age:42)
Cause of death: blugeoned to death with a hammer
Location of death: Limoges, France
Date of death: July 24th, 2013
Dora Oezer (age:24)
Cause of death: stabbed to death
Location: Kuşadası, Turkey
Date of death: July 9th, 2013
Unknown woman
Cause of death: Gunshot wound to head and chest.
Location: Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil
Date of death: October 25th, 2013
Natascha (age:27)
Cause of death: Gun shot wound
Location: Várzea Grande, Mato Grosso, Brazil
Date of death: October 10th, 2013
Brunete Nascimento Chagas (age:22)
Cause of death:head trauma, beaten to death with sticks
Location: Marituba, Pará, Brazil
Date of death: October 06th, 2013
Unknown woman
Cause of death: Gunshot wound
Location: Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Date of death: October 23rd, 2013
Unknown woman
Cause of death: strangled, body dumped in a pasture
Location: Sertanópolis, Paraná, Brazil
Date of death: October 14th, 2013
Unknown woman
Cause of death: stabbed in the neck
Location: Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
Date of death: October 18th, 2013
Hilary Molina Mendiola
Cause of death: thrown naked from a bridge
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Date of death: September 22nd, 2013
S. Athiswaran (age:31)
Cause of death: Multiple stab wounds, hands and legs were tied with a string, face was also covered with plastic
Location: Bagan Ajam, Penang, Malaysia
Date of death: October 13, 2013
Gunce Hatun
Cause of death: stabbed in the chest
Location: Beylikdüzü, Istanbul,Turkey
Date of death: December 12, 2012
Unidentified woman
Cause of death: 4 gunshot wounds
Location: Santa Rita, Paraíba, Brazil
Date of death: September 24th, 2013
Dicky Othman
Cause of death: hands and legs bound, and her mouth stuffed with a piece of cloth
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Date of death: December 4th, 2012
unknown woman (age:18)
Cause of death: gunshot
Location: Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil
Date of death: September 11th, 2013
“Maiara” Castro Da Silva (age:23)
Cause of death: unknown, body dumped, in advanced state of decomposition
Location: Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil
Date of death: September 9th, 2013
Unidentified woman (age:21)
Cause of death: stoned, shot, and beaten to death.
Location of death: Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil
Date of death: September 5th, 2013
Unidentified woman
Cause of death: multiple gunshot wounds
Location of death: Nova Serrana, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date of death: September 10th, 2013
Unidentified woman
Cause of death: gunshot
Location of death: Maringá, Paraná, Brazil
Date of death: September 6th, 2013
Unidentified woman
Cause of death: stabbed, found dumped in a stream in an advanced state of decompisition
Location of death: Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil
Date of death: September 9th, 2013