Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday Fill-ins

Janet’s Friday Fill-ins

1. Wake up _put on my glasses_.
2. _I will remember_ all the fun we had _together_.
3. Every picture _comes from the heart_.
4. _I like it when it is a_ little too quiet.
5. Stay with _me and we can have a lot of good times together_.
6. _Things can go wrong at a drop of a hat_ in a thousand ways.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _not much_, tomorrow my plans include _going to a support group meeting_ and Sunday, I want to _go with some friends walking (the temperature is supposed to get up to almost 60oF)_!


  1. Love it! Fun to read these!! a walk in 60 degree weather sounds great!

  2. Can you believe this warming ... in January ??? enjoy your walk in those warm temps!

  3. We're having warm weather, too! It's supposed to rain. I'm just afraid it will cause everything to freeze.
