Saturday, December 29, 2012

Saturday Six #455

Patrick’s Place Saturday Six #455

1. Q is for QUACK: What’s the worst medical advice you ever received?
I don’t think that I (that I know of) had bad advice from a doctor. I ignored warning signs but I didn’t know they were warning signs.

2. Q is for QUEEN: What do you think you’d most enjoy about living the life of royalty?
The money! Here is a little known fact about me; I worked for the Queen for about 5 years. She owned the company that owned the company where I worked until it was sold to Toshiba.

3. Q is for QUICK: What household chores are you lease likely to procrastinate about doing?
Emptying the trash and cleaning the toilet.

4. Q is for QUIET: Where do you go when you feel like you need quiet time alone with no distractions?
I go up to the lake, but since I live alone I have more “alone time” than I want.

5. Q is for QUIT: What would you most like to quit doing in 2013?
Eating unhealthy foods, I cut way back already but I still have some thing in my diet that I should cut out.

6. Q is for QUIZ: What subject in school did you most dread a pop quiz in?
Spelling and grammar, I bet that was no surprise.

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