Friday, December 02, 2011

Friday Fill-ins

Janet’s Friday Fill-ins

1. One of my favorite things about December _is that it ends with one big party_.

2. _I have several boxes of my grandmothers_ ornament(s)!

3. This is what I'm hoping for today/tonight: _a good night sleep_.

4. _What’s that_ noise?

5. Ooh, a _h, ooh, ah, is what I sound like when I wake up in the morning_.

6. _When I going a grocery store, I hate the bell_ ringing!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _reading with my brand new Kindle_, tomorrow my plans include _more reading_ and Sunday, I want to _go for a short walk_!


  1. Kindle ~ My wishlist for 2012

  2. Diana, I'm not very fond of the bell ringers in front of the stores either.

    Re: Kindle. I've been investigating the tablets, i.e. Kindle and Nook. I'm mostly interested in an all purpose tablet. I don't need anything really fancy like an iPad. I just need to be able to "read/take notes/check email", etc. I'm not looking to program websites and all that power using stuff.

    Happy Weekend!

  3. New Years is great. I had forgotten about it. I use the Netbook 7. It's great. I like how I can read in bed and not bother anyone with the light. No one knows I'm reading.

  4. I hope you'll make a post about your Kindle--what type and what you're reading, etc. :-)
