Patrick’s Place Saturday Six – Episode 375
1. Where do you get the majority of your news: from the newspaper, the radio, the television or online?
Yes. I get my news from newspapers, television and online
2. Do you currently have a newspaper subscription that includes an actual paper delivery?
Yes, I had it from ’91 and before that my parents were life long subscribers
3. What is usually the first website you visit in the morning?
I check my mail first and then CT News Junkie
4. Who is your favorite network news anchor?
It was Ann Couric… now I don’t know.
5. Who is your least favorite network news anchor?
Barbara Walters
6. If newspapers converted to web-only sites, eliminating the physical paper, even at newsstands, would this bother you at all?
I won’t pay for an online subscription.
I tend to get my news online.