Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday Fill-ins

Janet’s Friday Fill-ins

1. I know _that I should really get motivated and go grocery shopping_.

2. _I would like to teach someday_ if at all possible.

3. This weather has been great for _spring so far_.

4. _My motivation is_ a problem.

5. I'm really happy I have the ability to _see the beauty everywhere_.

6. _I heard that they are putting up another big box store in town_, or something to that effect.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _doing nothing_, tomorrow my plans include _going to a conference_ and Sunday, I want to _walk in a 5K fundraiser_!


  1. Good luck with the walk! I hope you have great weather.

  2. Showers are forecast for Sunday. :(

  3. Motivation is a problem for me too. Enjoy your walk!
