Friday, November 07, 2008

Saturday 9: So Far Away

Crazy Sam’s Saturday 9: So Far Away

1. Where is the furthest place that you have traveled and how far away from home is it?
Port Townsend Washington.

2. What is a blog that you would recommend for us to read and why?
Most of the blogs that I read are political and are related to trans or LGBT issues.

3. What is the biggest surprise you ever have had and was it a good one?
My grades in Graduate school, you have to realize that I barely squeaked by when I got my Bachelor’s and I was on probation most of the time. Now I have somewhere around B+/A- average (I still having trouble with grammar, but it has improved somewhat.).

4. What is your favorite quote? (We know we've asked this recently. But there is always another great quote! :)
"The point is that there are always obstacles, whether they seem insurmountable or merely bothersome. The question is not how difficult the path, but whether in your heart, you wish to undertake the journey."
Zandru's Forge

5. Have you ever been hospitalized for a major health situation?

Yes, I thought I was having a heart attack, instead it was an Arrhythmia

6. Do you prefer long hair or short hair for yourself?
Well it all depend on what you consider long, my hair is shoulder length.

7. What was your favorite amusement park ride growing up?
The tame ones, I do not like wide rides.

8. How long do you talk on your phone on a typical day?
Zero minutes. Yup, I usually do not talk on the phone, I talk to my brother for 30 – 45 minutes once a week but my other calls are mainly short and to the point. I pay by the minute on my cell and land-line phones.

9. Other than Saturday 9, what is your favorite meme to do each week?
It is a tie between Manic Mondays and Fill-in Fridays.


  1. Good answers...have a great Saturday

  2. Anything with your heart can be scary. I've had an angioplasty. Not a lot of chuckles! Have a great Saturday...

  3. I had to look up Arrhythmia.

  4. Good one. Anyway, my first entry is up. Hope you can check it out!

