Thursday, November 13, 2008

Fill-in Friday #98

Janet’s Fill-in Friday #98

1. Please feel free to _smell the Daisies_.
2. When I _am making chili_ I can't help sniffing it occasionally.
3. My favorite thing to cook is _Lobster Newburg_.
4. _Chocolate_ is something I can't get enough of.
5. That's the thing I love most about _November, is Thanksgiving_.
6. _Driving a long distance_ always makes me think to myself, what the heck [am I doing driving for so long]?
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _Transgender Day of Remembrance in Springfield_, tomorrow my plans include _going to the California Proposition 8 protest in Hartford_ and Sunday, I want to _work on my term-paper_!


  1. i made some chili with cocoa the other day...WICKED spicy but damn good over a plain baked potato!

  2. I SO agree with No. 4! and I love your No.1 :-)

    have a great weekend!

  3. Chili, lobster newburg, chocolate... now I'm hungry

  4. what's Lobster Newburg? I must go look this up now
    Hooray for chocolate and Thanksgiving!
    Sounds like a productive weekend, have a fabulous Friday!

  5. Yay! Saw the front page of a national newspaper today regarding same sex marriage in CT!!!

    the whole Prop 8 thing makes me think: what the heck?? why are we going backwards??

  6. Sounds like a very busy weekend. I agree about chocolate...

  7. That's so funny, I thought the same thing on #1 but then wrote something else.

    Oh chocolate-- I love it!
