Thursday, September 04, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins #88

Janet’s Friday Fill-Ins #88

1. If I was to walk into your life, _you would be in for a BIG surprise_?

2. Catch a bright star and place it _on your pocket_. (The actual lyrics are, “Catch a falling star an’ place it in your pocket”. I can remember when it was on the radio)

3. And you can send me _a postcard when you get there_.

4. _I wish that I could forget your face_ but I'm dealing with a memory that never forgets.

5. I'm the innocent bystander / Somehow I got stuck _in jail_.

6. What's keeping us apart isn't selfishness, _its greed_.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to _going to a coffee house to listen to some folk singers_, tomorrow my plans include _ watching Tropical Storm Hanna go by and at night going to my cousin’s Lobster Bake (if we don’t lose power)_ and Sunday, I want to _be studying and not cleaning up the damage Tropical Storm Hanna caused_!


  1. I'm interested to see just how stormy it'll get! Enjoy the lobster bake, yum!

  2. sounds like a good weekend -- hoping the storm isn't too bad for you!

  3. I hope the storm isn't too bad. Stay safe!
