Sunday, March 16, 2008

By the Way Sunday

By the way...

Did anyone call you last night?
Yes, my brother called me

How late were you on the computer last night?

10:30, I checked my email before I turned off the computer.

What did you have to eat last night?
Seafood ravioli in a white cream sauce.

Did you watch any good TV shows or movies last night?
No, good shows, I can’t even remember what I did watch.

Did any news items stand out to you last night?
The crane crash in New York City

Did you go out last night?

No, I came in. I was at the True Colors Conference all day and then I went to dinner with a friend. I got back around 7:00pm

What was the weather like last night?

Cloudy and around 45F.

What was the last thing you said last night?
Ah… as I soaked in the tub.

What time did you go to bed last night?

11:20 just after the weather.


  1. Your dinner sounds good. I too didn't watch any good shows lately.

    Last Night


  2. Sounds like a great weekend!
