Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Can You Say, Hypocrite?

Yesterday Rep. Barney Franks issued a press release endorsing the Massachusetts Gender Identity Anti-Discrimination bill but on the national level he will not introduce a gender inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)

Newton, MA—U.S. Representative Barney Frank (D-Newton) today submitted the following statement urging the Massachusetts legislature to extend current state antidiscrimination laws to people who are transgender. Rep. Frank has long supported policies to extend important employment, housing and other protections to people who are transgender.
Compare what he said now to what he said Barney Frank on "The Agenda" - Dec. 17, 2007 (listen to it here). If you listen to the interview, you hear Rep. Frank talk about the “ICK” factor and how the Gays and Lesbians went through it 35 years ago and that the trans-community is just now going trough it.
I think it is great that he backed the Massachusetts gender inclusive Anti-Discrimination bill but why doesn’t he back the inclusive ENDA? He says that he “has long supported policies to extend important employment, housing and other protections to people who are transgender.” However, last September he stabbed us in the back when he introduced the non-inclusive ENDA at the last minute and in December he said we have the “ICK” factor. That is SO hypocritical!

1 comment:

  1. A politician who is a hypocrite... isn't that redundant?
