Monday, January 28, 2008

Manic Monday

Manic Monday for January 28, 208

If you could have a servant come to your house every day for one hour, what would you have them do?
That is an easy answer, clean the house. One day vacuum, another day dust or the laundry, etc. I could easily find some cleaning task to keep busy doing.

Has your life ever been changed by an apparently random occurrence?
I do not know, if a medical problem is a random occurrence then the answer is yes.

You're having dinner with several friends and acquaintances. They all criticize a close friend of yours (not knowing he/she is a friend). The criticism is unjustified. What would you do?
I think that I would. Especially now, I think I am much more assertive then I use to be a couple of years ago.


  1. Good post. And yes, I think that a medical problem totally qualifies as a random occurence!

    My post is here. Happy MM!

  2. I meant 'occurrence', of course... Sigh. My English... So bad.

  3. I'd say that yes, a medical problem is random. It's amazing to look back and see those apparently random things.

  4. I love your answers...that was a very good response.

  5. Thanks for stopping by shades of mj today. I enjoyed reading your answers here. I think having someone to clean your house would be great. I believe almost everyone is sided the same with question three. Hope your day is going well, so far. Happy MM~
