Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Is A Piece Of The Pie Better Than No Pie At All?

Would you rather have just a piece of the pie than no pie at all, or to put it another way would settle for the crust only and not thee filling?

Well in Ohio they are offering us the crust in their non-discrimination bill.
Ohio bill would ban discrimination based on gender ID or orientation
The Anthem News
By Becca King, Contributor
November 27, 2017

On Nov. 7, Ohio voters elected 11 openly gay and lesbian public officials. These include Megan Kilgore, the city auditor in Columbus, and Democrat Ryan Mess, who garnered the most votes of 13 candidates in the race for Cincinnati Board of Education.

In Ohio, LGBT people may be legally fired or denied an apartment for their sexual identity or orientation unless they live in one of 19 currently protected cities.  This makes the election of LGBT officials especially meaningful in Ohio.

Ohio House Rep. Nickie Antonio, D-Lakewood, sponsored a bill last June that would change that.  The Ohio Fairness Act (H.B. 160) would ban discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in housing and employment. This reflects similar protections already in place in 22 states.
Whoa did you get that?

Protections for only housing and employment, there is no public accommodation protection in the bill. So you can’t be fired for being trans but you can be thrown out of a business for being trans. In other words, if you are a waitress you cannot be fired for being trans but if you come back a customer you can be told to leave.

This is the same route that Massachusetts and it was an uphill battle to public accommodation protection passed and even now it is not settled until the referendum next November.

What are your thoughts?

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1 comment:

  1. I have never been interested in crumbs. Years ago when we were debating who to include in the Civil Rights bill, of course the Trans and Bi community was left out. I parted ways at that time with the mainstream G and L movement. Find a Metroline from that period and it will shock you who was opposed to including Trans and Bi and for what reason. (hint same as always, we won't get the bill passed.) As I stated at the time, I do not want my rights as a gay man if others among my people can not have theirs. I will wait and educate and do whatever else it takes so we can do this. How many years before the lip service fell away until a bill for the Trans community was finally passed? The biggest laugh has always been the promise of we will come back for you. Yeah right!!
