Sunday, December 26, 2021

I Don’t Have A Problem With This.

 As I have written many times before that I have no problems with religion as long as they let me live my life.

Catholic diocese says gay and trans people can't be baptized or receive Communion
They must refrain from sacraments until they have "repented," the diocese in Michigan says. Critics say it's another example of defiance of the pope by “culture warrior bishops” in the U.S.
NBC News
By Jo Yurcaba
December 9, 2021

A Catholic diocese in Michigan has been thrust into the national spotlight after a prominent priest and author shared its guidance on transgender members and those in same-sex relationships on social media this week. The viral guidance, which the Diocese of Marquette issued in July, says such congregants are prohibited from being baptized or receiving Communion unless they have “repented.”

An advocate said it was the "most egregious" guidance ever issued by a diocese.

It instructs the church's priests on how to develop pastoral relationships with "persons with same-sex attraction" and "persons with gender dysphoria" and "lead them step‐by‐step closer to Jesus Christ in a manner that is consistent with the Church’s teaching."
Regarding transgender people, the Vatican in June 2019 released "Male and Female He Created Them: Towards a Path of Dialogue on the Question of Gender Theory in Education," which rejected the idea that trans people can exist and said the “ideology” aims “to annihilate the concept of ‘nature.’”

Fine, but don’t work toward forcing us back in the closet.

What you want to do with people who follow your teaching who are LGBTQ+ is your business and theirs, just keep your nose out of my life and the other people’s lives.


As many of you know I am on a number of state committees including the Governor’s Council on Hate Crimes and today we had two very unlikely guests, one was the person who shot up a mosque in Meriden and the other guest was the Mulla or Imam (I am not sure which is correct, my guest it is like a priest verses minister) of the mosque.

He became radicalized through social media and the propaganda that he found there, he said it was like an echo-chamber spreading one lie after another taken out of context of the Quran. When the attacks in Paris took place his anger overflowed, he got his rifle and shot up the mosque.

The FBI didn’t take long to figured out it was him, all the bullet holes came from his house, he was placed on house arrest until his trial. He was sentenced to 6 months in a federal prison.

He reached out mosque and apologized to them and they accepted while he was under house arrest, they then began a dialogue and they spoke at the sentencing hearing on his behalf.

One of the things that caught my attention while they were speaking was… it is hard to hate a person when you know them as a person. And that also goes for trans people.

People like Amy Schneider the current Jeopardy champ, how many people who are watching the game show have changed their opinion of trans people? Of course you will never change the haters but those who never knew anyone trans before are thinking… she’s just an ordinary woman?

For us to change and stop the hate against minorities we need to be integrated, I grew up in a 100% white middle class town, engineering school was mostly white, my fellow employees were mostly white.

I believe that diversity is good. Diversity brings together people of different cultures, people who have different ways of thinking, and people with different backgrounds.

I like to think of IBM back in the seventies, the standing joke was you could spot an IBM employee a mile away. A dark suit, a white shirt, a thin blue tie, and a buzz cut hairstyle marked an IBM employee. In walks to hippies with this great new product… a computer that sits on a desk! Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were quickly shown the door.

A brilliant young engineer came out as trans and was also shown the door. She later went on to become a leader in the computer revolution, she later went on and was given many prestigious awards including;  Pioneer in Tech Award, National Center for Women in Technology, Fellow Award, Computer History Museum "For her work in developing and disseminating new methods of integrated circuit design," Fellow of the IEEE, 1985, "for contributions to VLSI technology," Computer Pioneer Award, IEEE Computer Society, and many, many more awards and honors.

I am always brought back to what a friend says “If you hear mean, intervene.” and what Hillary Clinton said, “It takes a village.” It takes a village to force hate back in the swamp again. It takes a village to stand up and denounce hate, violence, and discrimination… We Will Not Stand For That Behavior Here!

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