1. How did you cope with your biggest heartache?
Time heals all wounds.
2. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
Well I did didn’t really visit, I took her to her appointment.
3. How many jobs have you held in your life? How many of those were part of your chosen career field?
Counting summer jobs…
CT Dept. of Education, inventory control
Bristol Electric
After college…
Pioneer Medical
Allied Control
Electro Mechanics/Combustion Engineering/ABB/Westinghouse/Toshiba – all at the same desk
4. How did you discover Saturday 9?
Through other blogs playing
5. If you could take the train from anywhere to anywhere, where would 'anywhere' be?
Canada, through the Rockies
6. When was the first time you cooked for someone else?
How in the heck can I remember? I’m in my 60’s.
7. What is the worst beverage you've ever tasted?
Probably some type of medicine
8. Is there anything in life you are "certain" about? Firm in your beliefs? Strong in your convictions?
Yes, to treat everybody the same. I believe in equality.
9. Do you know anyone who has as very unusual pet?
No not really, back in my undergraduate days someone in the dorm had a snake and some else had a tarantulas
Oh, I forgot that I have a student that has tarantulas. Maybe I blocked it out.