Friday, January 09, 2009

Saturday 9: The Phone is For You

Crazy Sam’s Saturday 9: The Phone is For You

1. Your phone rings. Who is the most likely caller?
My brother, I very rarely get a call other than my brother.

2. How long to you chat on the phone each day?

Zero minutes, I usually talk to my brother about a half hour a week. I am from a different generation. We didn’t go around with a phone plugged into our ear.

3. Who do you speak to the most?
My brother

4. Do you often not answer if a certain person comes up on your caller id?
I do not have caller ID. I told you I am from a different generation.

5. Do you phone friends at work?
Kind of, but it is business other than work business. She is the director of Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition so we discuss CTAC business, but that is not her work.

6. Do you make personal calls at work?
Very rarely.

7. Who do you always say “I love you” at the end of the call?
No one.

8. Do you use a landline or cell more often?

Both about the same amount of time, rarely.

9. Who in the blogosphere that you haven’t chatted with but would like to?

No comment.


  1. I can't bellieve the people with blue rays in their ears. Give me a break. A phone as jewelry? Happy Saturday, Diana!

  2. I'm from that same generation Diana I wonder who these people are talking to when I see their cells pasted to their ears...Have a good Saturday

  3. I always say 'I love you' to my son before I hang up. I'm lucky enough that at 16 he'll still say it first too!

    I don't get people who walk around in public places or sit at dinner with someone else and then talk on their cell phone the whole time. Ugh.
