Friday, October 31, 2008

Saturday 9: Being a Good Sport

Crazy Sam’s Saturday 9: Being a Good Sport

1. Were you raised around a lot of sports?
No, my father was not that interested in sports

2. What is your favorite sport?
I don’t have any.

3. When did you last play a sport?
When I was forced to in high school

4. When did you last attend a professional sporting event and what was it?
I never have attended any professional games.

5. What was the last sport you watch on TV?
A long, long time ago.

6. If you have children, do they play the same sports that you did? If not, someday if you have kids, would you like them to?
I don’t have any children, but brother does and they were very active in sports.

7. Do you think other people care too much about sports?
Most definitely, I have nothing against sports, but I feel that sport has way too much importance in the schools. When they have budget cuts, they all the other high school clubs and do not touch sports. Some school system would rather cut out some classes then cut sports.

8. Do you have the freedom to be as involved in either playing or watching as much sports as you’d like to?

Yes, since I do not watch any sports.

9. Who is your favorite sports team?
Since I am not interested in sports, I don’t have any favorite teams.

Boy, this was an easy meme to do.


  1. I am very into sports, but but it is only one of a lot of interests. That said, I agree with you competely on your high school points. Happy November!

  2. I guess that was easy for you!

  3. Here they almost completely erased sports from the curriculum because of cutbacks.
    And now they're complaining about the fact that children are getting obese, can't function in teams, etc.

    So that's completely the other way 'round.

    You can find my answers ::here::.

    Have a nice sunday.

  4. I agree--sports should not carry the importance in school that it does. Education should be the focus! Have a great Sunday :)
