Thursday, June 26th the first-ever Congressional hearing on transgender issues will be held by the Health Education, Labor and Pensions subcommittee of the Education and Labor Committee.
Why is the Hearing on June 26th so Historic?
Until now, no committee in either the United States Senate or House of Representatives has ever held hearings specifically on transgender people. Until recently, transgender issues just haven’t been on the agenda in Congress. Collectively the work of NCTE and other transgender and allied advocates has put job protections for transgender people on the federal agenda. The hearings represent a significant step forward.
Where And When Is The Hearing?
The hearing will be held at 10:30AM (EST) until about Noon in Room 2175 of the Rayburn House office Building in Washington, DC. It is scheduled for approximately one and one half hours.
Why do I think that this hearing is so important?
Because of what happen to the Gender Inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) last year, it was removed and a Gender Non-Inclusive ENDA substituted in its place, this will be our chance to show why the Gender Inclusive ENDA should be passed.
It is important because we get to tell our story, I have found that our stories are compelling and moving. Those with open minds and who listen, I think will be moved. After the witnesses make their statement and can be questioned by the panel members. It should be very telling what questions are asked of the witnesses, it will give an insight to where the panel members stand on the bill.
As I understand it, the majority members will get to call five witnesses and the minority members will get to call two witnesses. It should be very interesting to see whom the minority members call as witnesses; will it be someone like Dr. J. Michael Bailey and Dr. Paul McHugh?
No matter who get called as witnesses or what the question that are asked, it will be a very upbeat day and history will be made.
Once I hear if the hearings will be telecast on CSPAN, I will pass along the information.
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