Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Saturday Six - Episode 156

Patrick’s Weekender

1. Do you believe that there is some form of intelligent life on a planet other than Earth?
Yes, with all the solar systems out there, there has to be at least one other planet with intelligent life.

2. If there was, and we were to encounter it, which do you think would do more harm to the other: the Earthlings or the Extra Terrestrials?
The Earthlings

3. If a close friend or family member told you that they had been kidnapped by aliens, how likely are you to believe them if they can offer no physical evidence?
I know of a good psychologist that I can recommend.

4. Take the quiz: How likely is it that you would be abducted by Extra Terrestrials?

You have a 11% chance of being abducted

You don’t really believe in extra-terrestrials, but you should! The chances that another intelligent life form exists is far greater than the chance that it doesn’t.

Take this quiz at

5. If you could fly in a spaceship to get a close look at any of the planets besides Earth, which would you choose and why?
Mars, because it is most Earth like and may support human life.

6. If you had the chance to live on a fully-developed colony on Mars, would you do so?
Yes, at the drop of a hat. I think we build colony first on the moon and then on Mars.

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