Wednesday, February 12, 2025

So You Think Connecticut Is Blue?

Well you are wrong... Connecticut is a purple state. The cities are a sold blue but everywhere else is sold red! Look at the bills that they have proposed... they are straight out of the Project 2025 handbook!
CT Mirror
by Mark Pazniokas
February 9, 2025

Before President Donald J. Trump signed his executive order banning transgender athletes from women’s and girls’ sports, Republicans filed a dozen bills that would do the same thing in Connecticut, where a state law gives trans athletes the right to compete based on their gender identification. 

Other bills filed by outnumbered Republicans in the General Assembly align with Trump’s order aimed at prohibiting gender-affirming medical care for trans people before age 19 and his intention of financially punishing jurisdictions that do not fully cooperate with immigration agents.

Few, if any, of the bills are expected to clear the lowest hurdle of being raised by a legislative committee for a public hearing, but taken together they make a statement about the GOP minority’s identity as it tries to reverse a string of losses since the 2018 midterm elections.

“Certainly, all of those bills make a political statement, but I think they’re all based in sound policy,” said House Minority Leader Vincent J. Candelora, R-North Branford. “So they’re not there to make a statement per se. They’re all substantive issues that we think need to be addressed.”
The bills are not going anywhere, but I am tracking them and also pro-LGBTQ+ legislation.

Elsewhere in Connecticut... the 19th News reported,
Kels Bowman, a doctoral student at Duke University, started tracking period bills in 2018 when dozens were being proposed. Since 2020, about 90 have passed, ranging from bills recognizing menstrual equity in the states to ones putting products in schools. The ones with bipartisan support had the best chance at passing; in some cases, they were introduced by Republicans as well as Democrats. But the language in them changed over time, Bowman noted. 


In Connecticut, the issue wasn’t controversial at all in 2023, when the state passed a law to put period product dispensers in school bathrooms, including all-gender bathrooms and “at least one men’s restroom” per school. 

The law won’t go into effect until this September, but staff at Brookfield High installed their tampon dispenser in a boys’ bathroom early, in January — and they were the first to see how the law had become more controversial after its passage. Only 22 minutes after the dispenser was installed, students ripped it off the wall and destroyed it, scattering tampons across the floor.
It wasn't an issue until the right-wing made it an issue!

Am I worried... no but I will be tracking their bills but it is not just the bills we have to watch out for it is also amendments, they like to stick poison pill amendments to kill a bill or in "must pass" legislation.

Connecticut is not a Blue state there are a lot of red in the state especially in the suburbs and the rural county outside of the cities. 

1 comment:

  1. Richard Nelson2/13/25, 10:41 AM

    One last thought before I go, go, go. Connecticut is not a safe state either regardless of what the liberal elite LGBT folks want to tell us. How can it be safe when people who flee here from fascist states are met with almost nothing. No plans in place by the LGBT community, no help, living in a car with hardly any food. In the mean while folks in our community are doing what? More self centered laws brought to us by members of the comfortable class. Shame on us all for allowing the connected to rule. They have the people's hat on their head but their underwear is embroidered with crowns. No, folks, friends and comrades I am not staying around to fight for this class of folks. Just one election away from the fascist take over of Connecticut. We won't even need the hostile traditors in D.C when we have them within our own borders.
