Friday, January 12, 2024

They Still Believe That This Is A Choice.

A feeding frenzy like sharks that smell blood the Republicans are in a frenzy over passing anti-LGBTQ+ legislation. Of all the problems in Florida what is the first thing they bring up are these proposed bills.
Florida GOP proposes sex affidavits and ‘grooming’ bans in slate of anti-LGBTQ bills
Republicans in the state have already filed at least a dozen bills that LGBTQ advocates say would have negative effects on the community.
NBC News
By Jo Yurcaba
January 10, 2024

Florida’s legislative session started only this week, and Republican lawmakers have already introduced more bills targeting LGBTQ people than there have been days in the new year.

Some of the bills — including one that would change the state’s definition of sex and another that would criminalize “lewd or lascivious grooming” — are among the most extreme of the hundreds filed in state Legislatures so far this year. Another bill proposes prohibiting government employees from being required to use their colleagues’ requested pronouns and yet another aims to protect children from “harmful material” online, though harmful material is so vague that advocates worry it could include LGBTQ content.

Additionally a measure proposed by the Republican state Sen. Jason Brodeur would declare nearly all published accusations of anti-LGBTQ bias to be “defamation per se.” The bill would bar journalists from defending such accusations by citing their subject’s “constitutionally protected religious expression or beliefs” or scientific beliefs, and those successfully sued would be liable for damages of at least $35,000.
Did the legislature tackle the high cost of insurance in Florida… Nope.
Did the legislature tackle helping people with the damage from hurricanes… Nope.
Did the legislature tackle helping people with the damage from heavy rains and flooding… Nope.

Instead they went after us who make up around a half a percent of the population!
Among the most extreme bills is a sweeping measure, introduced by Republican Rep. Dean Black, that would require Floridians to sign an affidavit certifying that their driver’s license or other state ID reflects the sex listed on their original birth certificate. As a result, transgender Floridians would have to turn in any existing ID that shows their gender identity and would not be able to receive such identification in the future.
So what will this do? This will create millions in legal fees defending the law, did Florida Republican legislators ever hear of the Constitution? Something  called the…
Article IV, Section 1: Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.
Then we have this,
The bill would also require any school district or state agency “that collects vital statistics for the purpose of complying with anti-discrimination laws or for the purpose of gathering accurate public health, crime, economic, or other data” to identify the birth sex of people in the data set, potentially restricting data collection on trans people.

Black said the bill aims to answer “the defining question of this decade, ‘What is a woman?’”
Why are the Republicans so interested what is between our legs, is it some kind of sick perversion that all Republicans have? Then there is the fact that no one can say what a woman is, only the woman herself. It way, way more complicated that XX and XY, there is Androgen insensitivity syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, 5α-Reductase deficiency, and many more Disorders of Sexual Development that the Republicans completely ignore in their quest for purity of the sexes.

Branstetter, from the American Civil Liberties Union said…
Branstetter said the bills are a “blatant effort” to contradict the Supreme Court’s ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County, which found that federal employment law protects LGBTQ people from discrimination. Justice Neil Gorsuch’s opinion specifically stated that discrimination based on sex includes discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.  

“In short, these bills are meant to grant wide power to the state to define ‘transgender’ out of existence,” Branstetter said.
Cha Ching as the bill for Florida defending these unconstitutional laws keeps mounting. Then we have this,
A novel bill filed by Republican Rep. Taylor Yarkosky makes “lewd or lascivious grooming” a criminal offense, which it defines as a person “preparing or encouraging a child to engage in sexual activity through overtly sexually themed communication with the child or in conduct with or observed by the child without permission from the child’s parent or legal guardian.”

Though the bill doesn’t specifically name LGBTQ people, one of the bill’s Republican sponsors has been publicly critical of all ages-drag performances, and the term “grooming” has recently been adopted by some conservative officials to describe LGBTQ-inclusive school policies and drag events where children are present.
Okay this only makes sense when you realize that the Republicans are living in the 1950s back then it was thought that being LGBTQ+ was a choice since then science has proven otherwise, that we are born this way. The Republicans are like a little kid with his fingers in his ears and going La, la, la, la, la.

Let’s face it, the Republicans are on a pogrom to eradicate us and bring them to a time and place that never existed. To the era of 1950s television, their dream existance.

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