Wednesday, February 16, 2022



I know many people who are anti-religion for good reasons when religions tell you that you do not have a right to exist what do you expect? Or when they tell you that your religion is wrong and you a damned and going to hell what do you expect?

This morning I wrote about how the Republican courts are favoring Christians and not just any Christian religions but mainly evangelicals Christians.

In his blog John Pavlovitz wrote,

I’m Not Saying Conservative Christianity is Anti-Jesus. Jesus is.

The steady stream of vitriol I receive from professed Christians who identify as MAGA or QAnon or Republican is completely understandable.

As they fire-off threatening texts, furiously tap out expletive-laden emails, and break into violent, performative histrionics on social media, I genuinely feel for them. They’re often getting some really bad second-hand news from me that blows up the story they’ve spent a long time telling themselves and depend on to validate and to justify them.

They’re coming face to face with the sobering reality that they are antithetical to Jesus.

Worse than that, they aren’t hearing that news from me—they’re hearing it from Jesus.

Many people who read my blog are Christians in the old fashion sense, they preach love and not the Old Testament of hate.

About Three-in-Ten U.S. Adults Are Now Religiously Unaffiliated
Self-identified Christians make up 63% of U.S. population in 2021, down from 75% a decade ago
PEW Research Center
December 14, 2021

The secularizing shifts evident in American society so far in the 21st century show no signs of slowing. The latest Pew Research Center survey of the religious composition of the United States finds the religiously unaffiliated share of the public is 6 percentage points higher than it was five years ago and 10 points higher than a decade ago.

Christians continue to make up a majority of the U.S. populace, but their share of the adult population is 12 points lower in 2021 than it was in 2011. In addition, the share of U.S. adults who say they pray on a daily basis has been trending downward, as has the share who say religion is “very important” in their lives.

The evangelicals say that there is a war on Christ but there isn’t, people are turning away from hate. The evangelicals have redefined religion in their own image, as anti-LGBTQ, anti-immigrants, and worst of all racist. They worship a new “God” the god of the gun. The Old Testament has been used to justify all types of abominations from slavery to genocide.

Now we see the Republicans passing legislation like that I wrote about this that allow religious adoption agencies to not only discriminate at LGBTQ people but also against other religions, and we see the courts banning abortion that the majority of the people support and see the courts as biased against non-Christians and non-religious people.

So what can be done to stop this spreading of “Christian” hate?

Well if I speak up I am branded as an atheist gay who hates all religions by the evangelicals.

What needs to be done is for Christians to speak up against those religions that push hate.

Affirming Christian religions need to speak up, as a friend says, when you hear mean intervene. Silence is agreement of the hate.


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