Thursday, May 16, 2019

It Is Really Hard…

…To find positive stories about trans people in the era of Trump but I found one.
Miami Springs Now Has Florida's First Transgender Lutheran Pastor
Miami New Times
By Joshua Ceballos
May 16, 2019

On a recent Sunday in April, the Reverend Kit Robison delivered a sermon about the commandment to love God and love your neighbor as yourself. For a long time, Robison told parishioners, she struggled with the end of that command: to love herself.

At the end of the service, Robison called her wife, Christa, up to the pulpit. Then, she announced to the attendees of Grace Lutheran Church in Miami Springs that she is a transgender woman.

"What you see in front of you does not match my self-understanding," she said. "In my self-understanding, I am a woman."

That morning, Christa stood close to Kit and wiped a tear from her eye as her wife made the announcement. The church was silent except for the sound of the reverend’s deep breaths into the microphone between each deliberate sentence. In the weeks since, a few members of Grace Lutheran have left the church, but otherwise, Robison says the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

"We opened the church up for questions after service, and the majority of the questions were about my wife and whether we will stay married, which we will," she says. "Some people weren't thrilled, but the majority were incredibly supportive."

Robison is now Florida's first transgender Lutheran pastor, according to Pedro M. Suarez, head of the Florida district of Lutheran churches. Robison confided in Suarez last November when she finally came to the decision that she needed to fully transition. Although she had no idea how her boss would react, she trusted Suarez based on the good relationship they had developed. Despite how churches in other parts of the country may feel, the Florida-Bahamas Synod has welcomed the news of Robison’s transition.
More churches are becoming affirming but at the same time more churches are splitting over LGBTQ+ issues.

I have a friend who is an Episcopal priest when she transitioned almost all of the parishioners accepted her but a vocal few rejected her and for the sake of unity she stepped down but she later found a parish that accepted her and now she is that parish priest for going on for close to ten years. I know of another trans women who crossdresses, is on the Episcopal parish counsel and very active in church affairs. Oh and is very out trans person.

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