Monday, October 24, 2016

This I Think Is Something That Is Obvious

There are some poll results that you want to say “No kidding Sherlock!”
Poll: Education, age influence stance on transgender bathroom issue
By Alia Beard Rau
October 23, 2016

The question of who should use which bathroom has permeated state legislatures, courtrooms, classrooms and political campaigns this year.

Arizona voters overall don't lean strongly either way, according to a new Arizona Republic/Morrison/Cronkite News poll. But the younger and more educated the voters, according to the poll, the more likely they are to believe people should be allowed to choose a restroom "based on how they define their own gender."

Of the 779 likely Arizona voters surveyed, 50.6 percent said individuals "should be required to use the restroom that matches their gender at birth," while 39.3 percent said individuals "should be allowed to use whichever restroom — men's or women's — based on how they define their own gender."
No surprise there but what is interesting is…
Registered Republicans overwhelmingly supported regulating bathroom access, while Democrats opposed it. Individuals with a bachelor's degree or higher were more likely to support allowing individuals to choose a bathroom, as were individuals age 18-35.
Kilar [American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona spokesman Steve Kilar] said younger voters are more comfortable with transgender people because there are more openly transgender younger people than there are in older age groups. As individuals of all ages learn more about transgender individuals, Kilar said, he believes the tide of support will turn quickly.
I don’t think that this is surprising, the more education you have the more you know that chromosomes have just a little influence in determining gender and sex and gender are two different things, that there are a number of things that determining one’s gender.

And that young people have been exposed to trans people and are more understanding of us and to people my age are more fixed in their views.

One of the topics at this year’s Fantasia Fair was that our stories change people. Jennifer Boylan told how a conservative Republican wanted to talk to some trans people and she arranged for him to talk to trans children and their families and the legislator changed his opinion of trans people and will vote for our protection when the legislation comes up. Diego Sanchez, Mara Keisling, Lorelei Erisis, and Dawn Ennis all talked about how our stories change people. Ms. Keisling said that the new trans survey has found that over 280 trans people reported being attacked in bathrooms.

This afternoon I am giving my first webinar as part of the coalition that does the training at homeless shelters. 

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