Transgender Day of Remembrance
Today we remember those of us who were murdered for who they were; not for money or passion but were murdered because of hate. Because they had the courage to live their lives as the person they were.
This year I was asked to give a speech…
Reverend ______ asked me to speak about the state of the trans community and I think the best way to describe it is from the Tale of Two Cites
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…
For the trans community it was the best of times for some while for other trans people it was the worst of times.
In Houston the opposition used fear and lies to block a non-discrimination ordinance. We saw more states and communities try to pass anti trans bathroom bills. While in Connecticut a bill was introduced that would have stripped insurance coverage for us that was blocked in committee. At the same time the legislature with bipartisan support passed a bill to allow us to change our birth certificate without surgery.
In Maine we saw their Supreme Court rule that the Maine non-discrimination law covers bathrooms and down in Virginia a federal judge ruled that Title IX of the Civil Rights Act does not cover us in school bathrooms.
Federally, EEOC and OSHA ruled that we are covered under the under Title VII and HUD ruled that we are also covered under the Fair Housing Act of 1968. So here in Connecticut we are protected not only locally but also federally.
If you are homeless one of your fears is going to a homeless shelter and those fears are not groundless. A trans woman was placed in a men’s shelter where she was attacked. The attack was the initiative that created a coalition of non-profits and HUD that is going out and train the shelter staff and 211 operators on the law and how to integrate their shelters for trans individuals. There have been some pushback from shelter staff and they have been warned that they have to accept homeless people based on their gender identity,
We must also care for our senior citizens. We must train our care givers and health care providers to respect and provide proper care for elderly LGBT clients. When we need to invite care givers into our home we must be able to feel that we are safe. When we go into a nursing home or long term care facility we have to make sure we are not isolated and shunned. Also a number of senior centers in the area have teamed to create a Moveable LGBT Senior Center where one day a month the centers are hosting a LGBT day at their centers on rotating schedule.
Caitlyn Jenner created a lot of discussion in the trans community but it also exposed many people what it means to be trans. There are many new television shows and movies but unfortunately many of those shows the trans parts are played by non-trans actors we need to make sure that at least trans actors are allowed to audition for those parts. But equally important is that trans actresses and actors to be cast in non-trans parts.
There still is a lot of work that needs to be done. We need to look into if we need laws to ban reparative/conversion therapy and we need to see if we need protection from trans panic and gay panic being used as a defenses against hate crimes we need to see if they are necessary here in Connecticut. We also have to be vigilant to make sure that our hard fought rights are not taken away by legislation like they tried with our health insurance. We have to continue to educate businesses and the public. We have to keep the pressure on Congress to pass an addition to the Civil Rights Act to include gender identity and sexual orientation.

Those who have lost their lives in the U.S. this past year because of anti-transgender hatred or prejudice.
Keyshia Blige (33 years old)
Cause of death: Shooting
Location of death: Aurora, Illinois, USA
Date of death: March 7th, 2015
Tamara Dominguez (36 years old)
Cause of death: repeatedly run over by vehicle
Location of death: Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Date of death: August 15th, 2015
Kandis Capri (35 years old)
Cause of death: shooting
Location of death: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Date of death: August 11th, 2015
Amber Monroe (20 years old)
Cause of death:gunshot
Location of death:Detroit, Michigan, USA
Date of death: August 8th, 2015
Ashton O'Hara (25 years old)
Cause of death: Stabbed to death, ran over by vehicle
Location of death: Detroit, Michigan, USA
Date of death: July 14th, 2015
Shade Schuler (22 years old)
Cause of death: unknown, found dead in a field.
Location of death: Dallas, Texas, USA
Date of death: July 29th, 2015
K.C. Haggard (66 years old)
Cause of death: multiple stab wounds
Location of death: Fresno, California, USA
Date of death: July 24th, 2015
India Clarke (22 years old)
Cause of death: gunshot to the head and arm
Location of death: Tampa, Florida, USA
Date of death: July 21st, 2015
Mercedes Williamson (17 years old)
Cause of death: Beaten to death
Location of death: Rocky Creek, Alabama, USA
Date of death: May 30th, 2015
Penny Proud (21 years old)
Cause of death: shooting
Location of death: Tremé, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Date of death: February 10th, 2015
Taja Gabrielle DeJesus (36 years old)
Cause of death: multiple stab wounds
Location of death: San Francisco, USA
Date of death: February 8th, 2015
Bri Golec (22 years old)
Cause of death: stabbed to death
Location of death: Akron, Ohio, USA
Date of death: February 13th, 2015
Lamia Beard (30 years old)
Cause of death: shooting
Location of death: Norfolk, Virginia, USA
Date of death: January 17th, 2015
Papi Edwards (20 years old)
Cause of death: shooting
Location of death: Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Date of death: January 9th, 2015
Ty Underwood (24 years old)
Location of death: Tyler, Texas, USA
Date of death: January 26, 2015
Yazmin Vash Payne (33 years old)
Location of death: Los Angeles, California, USA
Date of death: January 31, 2015
Kristina Gomez Reinwald (46 years old)
Location of death: Miami, Florida, USA
Date of death: February 16, 2015
London Chanel (21 years old)
Location of death: North Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Date of death: May 18, 2015
Elisha Walker (20 years old)
Location of death: Smithfield, North Carolina, USA
Date of death: August 13, 2015
Jasmine Collins (32 years old)
Location of death: Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Date of death: June 23, 2015