Friday, January 24, 2014

I Thought The Same Thing…

That there are other issues more important than marriage equality.
7 LGBT Issues That Matter More Than Marriage
Think marriage equality is the only thing that LGBT people care about?
Buzz Feed
October 11, 2013

From the death of DOMA to Macklemore’s “Same Love,” it’s been an exciting few months for the mainstream LGBT movement.

But what you might not know is that LGBT rights are about more than marriage. LGBT justice should be about empowering all queer people everywhere, which probably won’t happen just because people can legally marry people of the same gender.

There are some queer activists who envision a movement for justice that goes beyond marriage. Some folks think we should get rid of marriage altogether, while others think that mainstream LGBT organizations should shift their focus to other issues.
The author goes on to list them,
  1. Queer and Trans* Youth Homelessness
  2. Violence Against Queer and Trans* People
  3. Racial Justice
  4. Immigrant Justice
  5. Health
  6. Economic Justice
  7. Trans* Justice
It is Gay Inc. who has made marriage the number one priority. Gays and lesbians and trans-people who do not pass, they are the ones that are marginalized, they are the homeless, they are the one who are victims of violence, they are the ones who need protection.

If you can integrate into society and pass for a straight person you are more likely to have a good paying job, however, if you are butch lesbian you have a much hard time finding a good paying job.

So the next time when you hear of a state like Oklahoma that a federal court has overturned marriage discrimination laws ask yourself what is more important to be married or to have a job? What is more important to be married or to have a roof over your head? What is more important to be married or to be able to sit down in a restaurant? Because Oklahoma does not have any legal protect for LGBT people, not in employment, not in housing and not in public accommodation, but you will be able to get married there.

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