Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Macho, Macho, Macho Man…

People, especially men are so hung up with being macho, men can’t show any weakness and when a boy shows his feminine side that parents should prepare for the worst…
What Happened When My Son Wore A Pink Headband To Walmart
Huffington post
By Katie Vyktoriah
Posted: 08/02/2013

Last night, I took my two boys out to pick up a couple of things from Walmart. Mark had to catch up on some work, so I ventured out on my own, which is something I don't do very often. It takes a lot of work to get the kids ready, get them in and out of the car, find a shopping cart, keep them happy while I shop and get them home in one piece. You parents will understand this.

After struggling to get him dressed and get his shoes on, I had to pry an overlarge teddy bear out of Dexter's arms, as he was set on taking him with us. This brought on tears and tantrums, which I somehow managed to calm very quickly. But when I attempted to remove my discarded lace flower headband from his head (which he'd been wearing all day), I saw him getting ready to fight, so I left him to it. Who was he hurting?
Out of nowhere a big booming voice rang out. "THAT'S a BOY?!" The man was overly large with a bushy beard and a camouflage shirt with the arms cut off. He had tattered shorts and lace-up work boots with no laces. I could smell the fug of cigarette smoke surrounding him, and there was a definite pong of beer on him.

"Yes," I said simply, still smiling.

With no notice, the man stepped forward, grabbed the headband off of Dexter's head and threw it to the bottom of our shopping cart. He then cuffed Dexter around the side of his head (not hard, but that is not the point) and said with a big laugh, "You'll thank me later, little man!"
Where to begin? The assault? The homophobia? The hate crime? This is so wrong on so many levels, the mother was letting her child develop normally, and experimenting with being his self and finding his own place in life. Then the ugly side of society stepped in and bopped him the head.

You will be glad to know that she contacted the police and they are investigating the assault.

1 comment:

  1. That's horrible!! I can't believe someone would do that! I think I would have slugged that man and I'm not a violent person! At the very least, I would have felt like hitting him!
    I'm glad the boy's mother reported the incident.
