Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Lefties Of The World UNITE!!!!!

Did you know that only around 6.5% – 7.5% are left handed*?
Did you know that in twins there is a significantly higher percentage for both twins to be left handed?
Did you know that left handedness tends to run in families?
Did you know that left handers on average lived nine years less than right handers?
Did you now that Gay and Lesbians have an “increased incidence” of left handedness?
Buzzfeed had this article about 18 Worst Things for Left-Handers People,
1. Spiral notebooks. Yup, I hate them and sometimes I use the notebook upside down.
2. Writing in a three-ring binder. Ditto.
4. Only two pairs of the green lefty scissors in class, three lefty kids. I got a left-handed scissors but they get mixed in with the right-handed scissors and the right-handers cruse me out.
6. Ink all over the side of your hand. Do you know how many times I had my knuckles rapped with a ruler by the sisters?
7. Bonking elbows with a righty at the dinner table. I always take the left-hand corner of the tables
12. These desks (Student desk with the armrest on the right). Let the battle begin for the only left-handed desk.
13. Measuring cups show you the stupid metric side. Yup, I hate them. I have to hold it in my right-hand and pour with my left which is awkward. Put the measuring cup down and pick it up in my left handed to pour.
16. Cord on the credit card machine pen is never long enough. Not only that but also they pile stuff on the left side to block your elbow.
*I used Google Scholar and googled the various topic and the percentage of left handedness varies depending upon the tests used.

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