Today on Facebook so many people have changed their Facebook profile pictures to pictures of their mother’s and them but for many trans-people their old pictures bring back sad memories and dreams of what couldn’t be.
I have boxes and boxes of photographs of when I was little, of birthdays, holidays and of vacations that brings a hollow feeling in me. It is a part of me that I can never deny but only wish it was different. It wasn’t like I wasn’t happy but I think you can see a little sadness in my eyes.
My cousin I think said it best in her reply to my coming out letter…
I remarked to T (Her husband) as we were leaving what a warm and charming host you were and how sorry I was that I never knew you well. Now I understand better why.
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This morning when I woke up and was watching an old Law and Order show about a girl in high school that killed her best friend to keep the secret that they were lesbian and that got me thinking; I hear trans-people saying how the kids now a days have it so easy when they come ou
t at an early age. But they are totally wrong. Kids now have it so much harder when they come out in school; when we were in school we were closeted afraid to come out and older trans-people wish if only I had the courage to come out in school everything would be different. Well for one thing times are different, society is more accepting of LGBT people. However, kids who come out still face the fear and the bullying when they come out, peer pressure can be an awful thing.
Secondly not only does it affect the student who comes out of the closet but it also affects all of their friends and some of them might feel intimidated for being friends with a LGBT student, guilty by association, Jonny’s gay therefore his best friend must also be gay. All of sudden when they come out they may be ostracized and isolated. Yes they might develop other friendships, but it still hurts them to lose their best friends.
So when you are about to say that kids now have it so easy, stop and think what it really means to come out in school. Yes there are just about a GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) in every school in Connecticut. Yes the schools have diversity days but stop and ask yourself do they really have it easier or is the bigotry still there but hidden below the surface.
Martin Luther King said, “Morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. Judicial decrees may not change the heart, but they can restrain the heartless.”

My cousin I think said it best in her reply to my coming out letter…
I remarked to T (Her husband) as we were leaving what a warm and charming host you were and how sorry I was that I never knew you well. Now I understand better why.
This morning when I woke up and was watching an old Law and Order show about a girl in high school that killed her best friend to keep the secret that they were lesbian and that got me thinking; I hear trans-people saying how the kids now a days have it so easy when they come ou
t at an early age. But they are totally wrong. Kids now have it so much harder when they come out in school; when we were in school we were closeted afraid to come out and older trans-people wish if only I had the courage to come out in school everything would be different. Well for one thing times are different, society is more accepting of LGBT people. However, kids who come out still face the fear and the bullying when they come out, peer pressure can be an awful thing.
Secondly not only does it affect the student who comes out of the closet but it also affects all of their friends and some of them might feel intimidated for being friends with a LGBT student, guilty by association, Jonny’s gay therefore his best friend must also be gay. All of sudden when they come out they may be ostracized and isolated. Yes they might develop other friendships, but it still hurts them to lose their best friends.
So when you are about to say that kids now have it so easy, stop and think what it really means to come out in school. Yes there are just about a GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) in every school in Connecticut. Yes the schools have diversity days but stop and ask yourself do they really have it easier or is the bigotry still there but hidden below the surface.
Martin Luther King said, “Morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. Judicial decrees may not change the heart, but they can restrain the heartless.”
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