Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday Fill-ins

Janet’s Friday Fill-ins

1. Staying active _is very important for good health_.
2. _Doing the dishes,_ well, that would be nice!
3. The very thought _sends shivers up my spine_.
4. _Sunrise at the lake_ is so beautiful.
5. I grew up in _a caring_ and _loving family_.
6. _Lobster Newberg on my birthday_ was my most memorable meal.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _watching a movie_, tomorrow my plans include _driving home_ and Sunday, I want have to _do the laundry_!


  1. Dishes and laundry...laundry and dishes...They seem to consume my life! My fill-ins are here!

  2. #2 followed by #3 made me LOL IRL. Have a terrific weekend.
