Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Fill-ins

Janet’s Friday Fill-ins

1. Why does it _always seem like I never get anything finished_.

2. _All I want_ is equal _chance at a job_.

3. My favorite breakfast includes _bacon and eggs_.

4. _The Social Movements Reader: Cases and Concepts_ was the last book I read _for class_.

5. I am SO glad _there is only five more weeks until I graduate, not that I’m counting or anything_.

6. _A piece of cake with milk_ would make me feel better right now.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm not looking forward to _doing homework_, tomorrow my plans include _going to my support group’s banquet_ and Sunday, I want have to _doing more homework_!


  1. great Friday Fill-Ins - have a great weekend

  2. If you spend some time on Facebook, then maybe it can explain why you never finish anything, I know that's why I don't finish stuff.. :P

    Have a great weekend! :)

    My FFI's are here. :)

  3. It's awesome that you're so close to graduation! I hope you have fun at the banquet.
