Thursday, June 03, 2010

Friday Fill-ins #179

Janet’s Friday Fill-ins #179


1. _Maine_ is my favorite place to travel to.
2. When I think about my childhood, I often remember _Lake Winnisquam in New Hampshire_.
3. _The Golden Rule_ makes for a good friend.
4. The wind in the trees, the rain on my skin, _brings back memories of walking down Commercial St. in Provincetown MA_.
5. _Sailing_ is so exciting!
6. My best friend knows _that I am quite and shy_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _going to the film festival_, tomorrow my plans include _going to Hartford Pride_ and Sunday, I want to _packing for my trip to Asheville NC for my nephew’s wedding_!


  1. The golden rule rocks nice answer. Mine is up also.

  2. Diana, do you ever get to take a break and just relax? You're always SO busy. Happy Weekend. I love weddings. You can find me here.

  3. Kimberly - then life would be boring

  4. have a great weekend! Sounds like fun

  5. Oooh, a film festival!! What's the theme?

  6. I have always wanted to visit Maine, especially in the fall. Have fun at the festival and wedding :)
