Sunday, May 11, 2008

Saturday Special

Fill in the blanks~

1. Walking along a wooded side road, I see the cabin ahead. I approach the cabin and on the rocking chair by the door I spot a key that looks like it fits the door lock. I unlock and open the door slowly and _press L to look left or press R to look right_.

2. In the cabin by a window there is a window seat chest. Walking over to the chest, I slowly open it and find _it is fill with old clothes of a by-gone era, tin-type photographs of a family and on top is an old map_.

3. I suddenly hear a noise coming from the outside, and quickly close the chest and as the person enters the cabin, he says _lassie you are welcome to try to find the buried treasure, but I have been looking for it for forty years_.

4. Laughing I leave the cabin along with _map_ and thinking to myself _now I have the last clue and when I find the treasure, I will be able to afford the medicine for my invalid grandmother_.

This bring back memories of the old adventure game Colossal Cave that I use to play on my Apple II+ computer back in 1978, I miss it!

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