Thursday, May 22, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins #73

Janet’s Friday Fill-Ins #73

1. On my laziest day I like to _lay in the hammock, read and nap _!
2. _Helping others_ makes me feel like I'm being productive.
3. I love little _kisses_ and big _hugs_. (I know it is a pretty lame answers but its eleven PM and I am going to bed when I finish this.)
4. This summer I want to _finish the cottage_.
5. _Peterson_ made me start my blog.
6. Red _is for apples_ and orange _is for Oranges_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight (Friday) I'm looking forward to _opening up the cottage_, tomorrow (Saturday) my plans include _working on the cottage_ and Sunday, I want to _go to a party_! Memorial Day I want to _go to another party_.


  1. Me and hammocks don't get along, I'm always hurting myself on the darn things.

    Have a great long weekend!

  2. I've only been in a hammock once and man was it comfy! Sounds like you have a busy weekend ahead of you, have fun and thanks for playing!

  3. Last time I was in a hammock, it fell on the porch with me in it. Geez.. LOL
    Great answers! Happy friday!

  4. Never laid in a hammock in my life. I'd probably kill myself trying to get out of it! Have a great weekend.

  5. How could I forget my hammock for the answer to #1? It's so comfy!

    I'm laughing at #6 because I wrote almost the exact same thing.

    You have a fantastic but busy weekend ahead, I hope the weather is good for you.
