Saturday, November 03, 2007

A World Apart

On another forum there is an interesting “just a position” of two threads. One thread was about the military inadvertently recruits gays and the other thread was about the British military conference on GLBT issues in the military.

The USA Today article said the United State military accidentally placed an ad on a Gay Web-site called GLEE and the military official said:
"This is the first I've heard about it," said Maj. Michael Baptista, advertising branch chief for the Army National Guard, which will spend $6.5 million on Internet recruiting this year. "We didn't knowingly advertise on that particular website," which he said does not "meet the moral standards" [I am not even going to go there, that can be the topic on another blog entry.] of the military.

Meanwhile on the other side of the ocean the British military are holding seminars on how to accommodate transsexual military personnel and a seminar on how to recruit gays and lesbian to the Navy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm amazed that the British military is taking such and advanced stance. Now if we could only begin to catch up...
