Advice, Please!
1. What specific advice would you give to someone moving into your neighborhood?
I don’t think there is any specific advice that I would offer, we are just your typical suburbs.
2. What specific advice would you give to someone beginning a job at your workplace (or attending school where you study, or, if you’re neither a student nor employed, doing whatever it is you do with your days)?
Don’t! They are closing the factory where I work this year and there is no future in manufacturing. Get a job as a plumber or an electrician, they cannot export your job to another state or country.
3. What specific advice would you give to someone who wants to begin an online journal or blog?
Don’t be too serious all the time, lighten up.
4. What specific advice would you give to someone who wants to take up a hobby you’re really into?
Get yourself a medium price camera and some good software, then go out and take lots of photographs. The best way learn is to learn the technical aspects first, take photographs that emphasis texture, then take photographs that emphasis light and dark, then color, etc.
5. What specific advice would you give to someone who wants to marry your closest, unmarried friend?
Wow, that’s great! Not too many people would marry a transsexual, go for it.
Very good advice, especially about the jobs.