Wednesday, January 29, 2020


It has been 36 years since 1984 and reality has caught up to fiction.

According to Wikipedia, Doublespeak is…
Doublespeak is language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. Doublespeak may take the form of euphemisms (e.g. "downsizing" for layoffs and "servicing the target" for bombing), in which case it is primarily meant to make the truth sound more palatable. It may also refer to intentional ambiguity in language or to actual inversions of meaning. In such cases, doublespeak disguises the nature of the truth. Doublespeak is most closely associated with political language.
I was reading an article and it brought to Doublespeak…
Feds Strip ‘Sexual Orientation’ From Ethics Guide And Say, Stop Worrying
By Dawn Ennis
January 28, 2020

If you believe the Trump Administration and its staunch supporters in the conservative media, LGBTQ Americans should thank government officials for removing “sexual orientation” from official federal documents, specifically an ethics guide to preventing workplace discrimination. Because this makes us all equal now.
“You shall adhere to all laws and regulations that provide equal opportunities for all Americans regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, or handicap,” is how the Interior Department now advises federal employees of that agency. A prior version, issued during the Obama administration in 2009, dropped “sex” in favor of the words “gender” and “sexual orientation,” as HuffPost first reported.
And the part that reminded me of Doublespeak was the government explanation of the change.
 The problem, as HuffPost and the conservative right-wing publication The Federalist point out, is that stripping the words “sexual orientation” does not in any way affect the legal rights of LGBTQ federal employees.

“Rather than erasing LGBT people, the administration signaled an end to LGBT-focused legislation, instead assuming equality and normalcy,” wrote Federalist senior contributor and conservative gay gadfly Chad Felix Greene. He cited a Jan. 25, 2017 article by this reporter, revealing the Trump administration started scrubbing mentions of the LGBTQ community from official websites and documents soon after the inauguration. According to Greene, this is normal, government in transition stuff: “There was never a controversy to begin with.”
First, the Federalist according to Media Bias Fact Check
Overall, we rate The Federalist a borderline Questionable and far Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the promotion pseudoscience and three failed fact checks.
Second and here is where Doublespeak comes in, “assuming equality and normalcy.” so when you delete the protection for minorities you are promoting “equality and normalcy.”

Later in the article,
“If Trump were truly struggling to contain his hatred for gay and trans people,” he wrote, “you could imagine he would have acted out in actual hostility toward them by now.”
Whew, if Trump loves us why is he doing all these awful things to us? Like taking away our healthcare? Forcing us out of the military? Denying us housing protection? Allowing people to throw us out of restaurants? Is that how Trump shows his love toward us, if so I would hate to get on his bad side.

Okay, all those who think Trump loves us raise your hand. Ops… I don’t see anyone raising their hand… oh wait, I see some hands raised in the back of the room. Oh, they’re the Log Cabin Republicans.

Lets try a little Likert scale  poll...

1 comment:

  1. I would say that Trump doesn't care about anybody who does not belong to his base. Since his base is anti-LGBTQ, he has to act like he cares that we are a scourge to human decency. Our presence is an annoying noise to him, so erasing us from documents is his way of placating his base, while simultaneously shutting us up (and out).

    My fantasy, should he be re-elected, is that he would eventually give the lgbtq community recognition, once his base is no longer needed (I don't think he cares any more for the Christian Right than he does for us, except for their votes).
